mood VII
In the seventh installment of our new series called, a mood, we invited artist Yael Nov to participate. Yael has shared some of her own writing, including a quote and a selection of images to facilitate their feature.
One of the most entertaining aspects of this series has been figuring out who to invite next in light of suggestions from those who have already participated. This process has sparked a virtual game of telephone in a way, and it has been so fun to engage and connect with intersecting artist communities nontraditionally.
To see more of Yael’s work please visit her website or follow her on Instagram.
As a friend put it- this experience has been an “oscillating fan” of emotions. I sway from gratitude to guilt, isolation to comfort, fear to relief, and back again.
“be easy. take your time. you are coming home. to yourself. — the becoming”
― Nayyirah Waheed, nejma
Yael Nov (b. 1989) is a Los Angeles based visual artist. After completing her BFA and BA at University of Washington, Yael received her MFA from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. Working in images and sculpture, she examines the inextricable ties between fragility and strength, blurring the lines between them. Informed by her family's history, landscape, memory, and the body become sites for this examination of opposing forces.
Please click to enlarge collage, top left to bottom right: (1) Emilie Halpern, Sunrise (2) Ilysia Van Deren, Mantra (3) Crystal Gregory, Eve (4) Rafael Soldi, Last Embrace (5) Isamu Noguchi, Love of Two Boards (6) Francesca Lohmann, Untitled (7) Pilar Schacher, Tag 12 (8) Ellen Garvens, Wing (9) Analia Saban, Draped Marble (St. Laurent)